and then, i discovered scenography, changing my world ; the way i see it,
the way i create in it.

Every space has a quality, texture, color, shape, and history and any decision about that space is an act of design (…) there is really no easy separation of the scenographic elements. Sound affects our perception of space; the textures of costumes affect movement which affects rhythm which affects our understanding of a performance. Every possible element of a (theatrical) production affects every other one. This is scenography.
-(Aronson, 2018, p. 8)

the cave
methods archaic


In 2013 I created a series of plaster sculpture representing Carl Jung’s archetypes. Instead of finding a cave to transport them in I decided to build my own. In a 1,000 sq ft basement studio in Crown Heights, Brooklyn I created a cave to illustrate the shadow of the human psyche.

Deciding it needed movement and life I invited a group of musicians and dancers and there we orchestrated what was to be a 45 min live performance.

the web of azoth


Created in a studio in Bushwick, Brooklyn, the web explores the idea of a 5th element, an ether. There figures fly high against gravity and limitations living to their full potential and beyond. This piece journeys through water, earth, fire, and air concluding with a new door of possibilities.

Inspired by the idea that the artist is alchemist, a group of dancers and a live musician was invited into the installation to find the rhythms and movements of the elements. In 2013, this piece was performed live.

space :
a first perspective


β€œTo see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.”

Creating a macro world where one can be under water or in the cosmos. Exploring the wonder of imagination, science, and magic from abstraction.

In 2014 this film was projected as part of a live performance in a studio in Bushwick, NY with a live band and dancers.


In 2015 I built an installation in the Centquatre Cultural Center located in Paris, France as part of a one month residency. Jonathon Valleau, technician and all around digital genius accompanied me to create a performance using 3d mapping projections.

adits of ajna
south bend, indiana power plant

Created in 2016 during a month residency in an old power plant located in the heart of South Bend, Indiana this installation explores the seven chakras. Illustrated with beams of light coming from inside each of us the figures are seen climbing up stages in order to be in contact with all, ending with our connection to the universe.




