licensed art therapist
mps, lcat, atr-bc
private practice sessions
(crown heights) brooklyn, ny & virtual

In therapy, patients and therapists alike are engaged in finding the artists within themselves. The therapeutic process for patients is an ongoing struggle to discover true inner representations and symbols and then give them form in terms of developing richer, more congruent living realities. Therapists tap the artists within in the ongoing process of maintaining the individual holding environments that will provide the space, energy, and impetus for patients to change. Together, patient and therapist create a matrix in which verbal and nonverbal communications come alive as both parties are touched by common experience. This complicated mode of interaction takes on a form similar to a symphony or work of art, where multiple levels of consciousness and meaning exist simultaneously. The therapeutic and creative processes clearly have many parallels (here).
-(Robbins, 1987, p. 21)

Art therapy is a space where psychology and art meet. Appropriating specific art materials and actions, art therapists utilize creativity for psychological release of personal and collective expression and experience. The patient’s creative process and product are additionally employed for the art therapist’s psychoanalysis, psychosocial evaluations, interventions, and treatment plans and are a central component to the core and direction of the therapeutic work. Through this therapeutic quest:

Representations express themselves in such dimensions as energy sensation, color, rhythm, volume, weight. Slowly, with the artwork and therapist’s holding, organizing, reflecting back the patient’s internal pathological state, the patient is given the chance to play with unresolved polarities and representations to find new integrations and solutions. (Robbins, 1987, p. 27)

